Tuesday, April 29, 2025

Session 3: Breakouts
11:00-11:50 AM

Conference Room 2

CT Ready to Read with Sparkler

Double Session: 11:00 am-12:50 pm

Presenters: Kym Powe, Dana Stewart & Meaghan Penrod

Caregivers are a child’s first teacher but they may need more information about reading readiness, early literacy skills, early childhood development. In partnership with Sparkler, a tool supported by the CT Office of Early Childhood, librarians will learn to intentionally embed early literacy skills into beloved theme based storytimes, while sharing educational information with caregivers.

Sponsor: Conference Committee

Objectives & Takeaways:

Conference Room 1

Small but Mighty: Small Libraries Meetup

Presenters: Lynn Zaffino, CLC Small Libraries Roundtable & Jen Sullivan, Willoughby Wallace Memorial Library

Small libraries unite! Serving a population 10,000 and under? Come meet your colleagues for our first in-person meeting since before the pandemic, where we'll brainstorm quickly at the start of the session for topics to discuss. You drive the conversation! 

Sponsor: Public Libraries Section

Conference Room 3

Dungeons & Dragons for Neurodivergent Teens and Adults

Presenters: Nicole Kent, Southington Public Library

Teen librarian Nicole Kent will discuss how to run Dungeons and Dragons programs for mixed neurotypical and neurodivergent groups for ages 12 and up. Content will include how to diffuse difficult situations, how to encourage group harmony, different scenarios to anticipate, and more.

Sponsor: CLA Member

Objectives & Takeaways:

Attendees will learn how to work with differing degrees of neurodivergent gamers, how to anticipate and work with mixed groups of neurodivergent and neurotypical gamers, and how it can be a rewarding experience for all involved. .

Conference Room 5

Readers’ Advisory: Resources, Community Outreach, and an Interactive Discussion

Presenters: Christie Mitchell & Kelly-Ann Gardella of Ridgefield Library and Laura Cavers, Readers' Advisor at New Canaan Library

We will present an overview of readers’ advisory for adults including resources and tips along with describing a community outreach book program and newsletter that improves readers’ advisory. We will briefly discuss how AI can be used. Then we will open the session to attendees to share their RA comments and experiences. We encourage attendees to come prepared to contribute.

Sponsor: Reference & Adult Services Section

Objectives & Takeaways:

Readers’ Advisory (RA) is one of the core services librarians provide. RA essentially connects readers with books they will enjoy. This happens in numerous ways such as getting to know patrons and recommending books based on their interests as well as understanding the community and its reading interests.


Our objective is to re-energize adult services librarians' focus on readers’ advisory and provide practical resources, ideas, and tips to improve readers’ advisory knowledge and skills for librarians. Recommending and offering diverse titles, genres, and formats, as well as understanding diverse patrons, having positive interactions with patrons and encouraging use of the library, developing collections based on community interests, providing book lists, displays, and book programs, will help librarians to better serve patrons and their community.

 We will briefly explore the ways in which AI can be used for readers’ advisory. Offering an opportunity for librarians to network, share, and discuss their knowledge and experiences will also be invaluable. We hope librarians will come away with a greater understanding of how to utilize these tools confidently and effectively for this core service. 

Conference Room 7

Make Space for a Seed Library 

Presenters: Elizabeth Van Ness, Canton Public Library (moderator); Melanie Ollett, Director of Beekley Community Library (New Hartford); Jeffrey Panettiere, LTA  at Wilson Branch of New Haven Public Library; Kathleen Malloy, Manager of Patron Experience at Westport Public Library; Joanne Gabriel, Adult Programming Specialist at Darien Public Library  

Learn how to start a seed library by getting seed donations and setting up a space and giving away something to your patrons which will give them great enjoyment and food security.

Sponsor: Reference & Adult Services Section   

Objectives & Takeaways:

Mystic Ballroom AD

Becoming a Safe Space with Social Work in your Library

Presenters: Alyssa Eckstein, City of West Haven; Colleen Bailie, West Haven Library

Through a collaborative effort with the city, West Haven Library began to have a social worker at the library a few times a week in early 2024. Learn how to reach your patrons where they are, in a safe environment and help them achieve their best selves. Learn about ways to assist your staff to work with difficult patrons through social work in your library.

Sponsor: CLA Member

Mystic Ballroom BE

Making Space for Emotions: SEL Storytimes

Presenters: Julia Mazur & Bailey Francis of Lucy Robbins Welles Library

This presentation is all about supporting the emotions of the little patrons, who sometimes have big feelings and don't know how to handle them. We will share how our SEL storytime was created, and how our collection supports this endeavor for kids to understand and cope with their emotions.

Sponsor: CLA Member

Objectives & Takeaways:

Mystic Ballroom CF

The Staffing Challenge: How to Find, Interview and Keep the Staff You Want

Presenters: Maxine Bleiweis, Owner of Maxine Bleiweis & Associates

Openings in libraries are few and far between. In this program, we'll explore how to recruit for the diversity you need and want, interview (in a whole different way!), and retain for every position. Warning:  you'll never think the same way again about the process!

Sponsor: CLA Member

Objectives & Takeaways: