Monday, April 28, 2025
Session 7: Breakouts
4:00-4:50 PM

Conference Room 1

Designing Technology Classes Using Northstar Digital Literacy

Presenters: Lorri Huddy, Rachel Tonucci & Carol Walters of Bloomfield Public Library

Want to begin offering technology classes, refine your curriculum, or develop your library's digital literacy goals? Join us to hear about our experiences designing and implementing technology classes for our public using the Northstar Digital Literacy curriculum. Our curriculum covers Basic Computer Skills, Internet Basics, Using Email, Google Docs, and Accessing Telehealth Appointments.

Sponsor: CLA Member

Objectives & Takeaways:

Conference Room 2

Navigating the Law Library Services Unit, CT Judicial Branch

Presenters: Claudia Jalowka, Deputy Director of the Connecticut Judicial Branch Law Library Services Unit; Chris Roy, Supervising Law Librarian & Emily Oumano, Law Librarian at Connecticut Judicial Branch 

Self-represented parties enter a state court system that at times can feel like an unfamiliar and foreign land. Connecticut Judicial Branch law librarians do our best to make space for them. This program will provide an overview of the resources and services of the Law Library Services Unit of the Connecticut Judicial Branch.

Sponsor: Reference & Adult Services Section

Objectives & Takeaways:

Conference Room 3

Making the Most of Your Makerspace

Presenters: Kathy Pickle, Ridgefield Library & Katie Dygon, Wallingford Public Library

Makerspaces in public libraries are a great way for patrons to learn and develop new skills, use their creativity and collaborate with others. However, there are many other ways your maker equipment can be used to enhance your library besides programming. Join us a we discuss the various ways libraries can get the most use out of their maker equipment.

Sponsor: CLA Member

Objectives & Takeaways:

Conference Room 5

Intellectual Freedom: A Little Help From Your Friends

Presenters: Alice Knapp, Ferguson Library; Denise Marcil & Erin Cody, Friends of the Ferguson Library

We will outline the Friends of the Ferguson's role in creating an environment safe for Intellectual Freedom. This compelling story outlines how the Friends board formed a Freedom to Read Committee after receiving reports of the rise of challenged and banned books. In this presentation, we would tell the story of how that happened and what the results/consequences have been. 

Sponsor: Intellectual Freedom Committee

Objectives & Takeaways:

Conference Room 7

Leadership for Introverts 

Presenter: Sarah McCusker, Library Director at Canton Public Library 

Leadership isn’t just for extroverts! The unique skills and strengths of introverts, including active listening and empathy, position us to be great leaders. Learn how to leverage your quiet power to develop your own unique leadership style. 

Sponsor: Conference Committee

Objectives & Takeaways:

Mystic Ballroom AD

Sensory Playtime: The Joy of a Welcoming Library Space

Presenter: Holly Harwood, Youth Services Librarian at Meriden Public Library

Not sure where to start to create Autism inclusive interactive event meant to include the whole family? Stop by this presentation to find out how to structure a Sensory Playtime that welcomes in community members from all walks of life.

Sponsor: CLA Member

children's services and programs

Objectives & Takeaways:

Mystic Ballroom BE

Navigating Spaces, Context and People: Living and Working with Cerebral Palsy and Intersectionality

Presenters: Tim Kellogg, Scranton Memorial Library with Amanda Stern (Interviewer)

What do you get when you live life with Cerebral Palsy in an environment with addiction, mental illness, and religious trauma? The story of librarian Tim Kellogg. Join Tim and Amanda Stern in conversation and Q&A to discover how contextual intersectionality impacts life and librarianship. Discover the hidden challenges of navigating spaces, interactions, ableism, and allyship as a librarian. 

Sponsor: ADA Committee

career and professional development

Objectives & Takeaways:

Mystic Ballroom CF

The Modern Teen Space 

Presenter: Paige Gardner, Teen Librarian at Meriden Public Library

Teens have historically been perceived as a challenging demographic for libraries, often characterized by their energetic and expressive behavior. This presentation will explore how you can enhance your library's environment and programming to better engage with teens, addressing their needs for a dedicated space, representation, and support for both intellectual and physical well-being.

Sponsor: CLA Member

young adult services

Objectives & Takeaways: