Monday, April 28, 2025

Session 2: Mini Breakouts
10:00-10:30 AM

Michael McCreary Meet & Greet and Book Signing 

Conference Room 1

Meet Michael after the Keynote for a casual meet & greet and book signing of his book “Funny, You Don’t Look Autistic.”

Sponsor: Conference Committee

Purchase a copy of the book in the Exhibit Hall at Booth ##

Layered Programming:
Making Space by Meeting Basic Needs

Conference Room 2

Presenters: Irene Blean & Bonnie Solberg

Do you have trouble engaging adults in programming for enrichment when they are struggling with issues of basic need? Layered programming allows you to provide resources to meet needs, for example FoodShare, and connect customers with partner agencies, while providing opportunities for enrichment. Come and hear how we’ve learned to layer up.

Sponsor: CLA Member

Objectives & Takeaways:

Many people today are struggling to make ends meet. While they would benefit from time to engage in literacy, digital, creative or mindfulness programming, they are often overwhelmed by more urgent concerns. Attendees will gain ideas for connecting and partnering with community agencies and FoodShare to bring resources that address basic needs and ideas for layering these resources with enriching programming opportunities. 

Technical Services Spring Meeting

Conference Room 3

Presenters: Ann Victor & Christine Rinaldi, Technical Services Section co-chairs

All are invited to the Technical Services Section Spring meeting! Come and hear more about the section, and meet and chat with your fellow Tech Services peers. We'll be having an open discussion about making literal space in libraries, and how we find balance between community needs and collection needs.

Sponsor: CLA Member

Objectives & Takeaways:

Any chance our section has of meeting in-person is a great opportunity to network and build connections with others who work in Technical Services departments. Meeting at the conference would be great way to recruit new members, give a chance for current members to meet and chat in person, and provides a space for us to discuss issues we may be having in our own libraries. 

The Viability of AI Supplementation in Librarianship: 

Exploring the Impacts on Professional Practice and User Services

Conference Room 5

Presenters: Zachary Mans, Southern Connecticut State University

Artificial intelligence. A statement no longer mitigated to the mindset of Hollywood cinematic relevance, but rather a highly topical term now prevalent in the minds of current generations who are wrestling with the ethical implications of real-world applications of adaptive technology. A presentation on the findings of attitudes and uses of AI assistive technology in Connecticut public libraries.

Sponsor: Conference Committee

Objectives & Takeaways:

Artificial intelligence, and its professional applications, has stirred up strong perceptions and opinions in recent years across a wide range of fields and professions. The study conducted here aims to shed light on those perceptions as they apply to the field of information & library science; and to suggest possibilities moving forward for a healthier integration model of application of adaptive/assistive AI technologies. 

CLA YA Section Meeting

Conference Room 7

Presenters: Stephanie Smith, Avon Free Public Library

Join us to learn about the Young Adult Services Section of the Connecticut Library Association. Discover how the section improves library services for young adults, stay updated on trends, and connect with fellow library professionals. Whether you’re looking to join or just learn more, this meeting is a great opportunity to get involved and share ideas. All are welcome!

Sponsor: YA Section

Objectives & Takeaways: