Monday, April 29, 2024
After Hours Special Events and Fundraiser
4:50-5:15 PM
Marriott Ballroom and Marriott Foyer
Cocktails with Vendors
Join us for a drink and some networking with our vendors! There will be a cash bar open.
This is sponsored by Mesmerise.
5:00-7:15 PM
Marriott Foyer and Mystic AD
Trivia: Other Duties as Assigned
Presented by: Kristina Lareau and John Casiello, Basically Extra
John Casiello and Kristina Lareau of Basically Extra host a special after-hours trivia fundraiser. Other Duties As Assigned, Trivia Edition is specifically designed for this year's CLA conference attendees. This is not your basic bar trivia, but a multi-media event that should have you laughing, cringing, and cheering on your colleagues. Basically, extra.
Ticket Cost is $25 which includes 1 drink ticket and small appetizers. Additional drinks are available for purchase from the cash bar. Tickets may be purchased at the event. All proceeds benefit CLA.
7:00-8:00 PM
Mystic BE
Stitch 'n Bitch at CLA
Are you staying overnight on Monday and into textile arts? Join us for a chill time and work on your current project. Knitters, crocheters, and all needlepoint enthusiasts are welcome!
This is a free event.